It's been a long time without news from me... I'm sorry, I have been trying to find a job and finally everything is in the right place and I can say I H-A-V-E A J-O-B! yay! So, because of my happiness today I decided to made a Session by Traktor (DJ software). It's not perfect... You will see some of the weird changes I made buuut I'm pretty happy of what I made. 14 songs from everywhere... Canada (obviously...), Scotland, New Zeland, USA, Iceland and UK. Enjoy it and write what you think about it... Be pacient with me, next one it's gonna be much more better! That's for sure!
1- Sunset Rubdown - Insane love is awakening
2- Good Old War - Coney Island
3- Anathallo - Hanasajajijii (four: a great wind, more ash)
4- Harlem Shakes - Sunlight
5- Dananananaykroyd - Black Wax
6- Bang Bang Eche - 4 To The Floor
7- Royal Bangs - Cat Swallow
8- BOAT - Topps
9- Parlovr - Speech Bubble/Thought Cloud
10- We Were Promised Jetpacks - Moving Clocks Run Slow
11- Favours For Sailors - I Dreamt That You Loved Me In Your Dreams
12 - Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook