Friday, April 4, 2008

shout out louds live @ razz 3, bcn (03/04/08)

"this guy behind the black pole is Ted, our bass player"


1. Intro (Ill wills)
2. South America
3. Very loud
4. Normandie
5. Your parents living room
6. The comeback*
7. Impossible
8. There is nothing
9. Shut your eyes
10. Seagull
11. Meat is murder
12. You are dreaming
13. Tonight I have to leave it
14. Please, please, please
15. Hard rain

Axa FCB's crucial game against Maccabi Elite Tel-Aviv @ Palau Blaugrana (83-74 for our team) and a really sore throat from one of its members didn't stop the EGWM crew from attending (along with our friend, co-blogger Indiespot) last night's (pricey) gig at one of Barcelona's most inadequate venues. That's it, inadequate, because after doors opening 40 minutes late, realizing that no opening band was going to play and that the almost packed, smoke-free room had a suspicious mist hanging over our heads, not seeing one of the band members because of a black pole right in front of him onstage made us realize that this wasn't the best way to start things off.
As for the performance the Swedish band delivered, it was promising but bumpy. Promising because their two LP's to date are filled with a bunch of nearly-perfect pop songs and their live staging doesn't sell their material short at all. If you add a decent sound for being Razzmatazz and that the guys were nicer than the average Swedish band you get a pretty darn good concert (especially when the room goes crazy during "Tonight I have to leave it", definitely the night's highlight). However, things such as a pretty short set (65 minutes, this is not "Tu vida en...", WTF!) and not playing 100º, one of their best songs, made the whole thing bumpy.
The crowd was surprisingly enthusiastic but not so surprisingly muticultural, with more foreigners than local people (nothing against that, I guess it's just what Barcelona is all about nowadays), all of them represented in the flags decorating the stage (Indiespot dixit). The aftershow, pretty lame, but I guess I was not in the mood for it. My throat hurted and I had missed one of the season's best basketball games. You can't have it all, not even here at EGWM. Meh, bittersweet evening.

*Shout Out Louds performing "The comeback" @ Razz 3

1 comment:

marmota said...

com que jo no sóc fan, suposo que em va agradar més de lo normal :)

multicultural is cool! :P