Friday, March 14, 2008


Yeah MO fans, finally, and with some help (especially, jackmannequin sharelist, THANKS!) we can give you the Manchester Orchestra discography, all the albums: from 5 Stories to the last one, I'm Like a Virgin Losing a Child. And also a big surprise: Andy Hull side project that he did back in high school. Ready?

2004 - 5 Stories EP
  1. Girl With Broken Wings
  2. I'm A Book
  3. Marked Unkown
  4. La-Di-Da
  5. 17th Street
2005 - You Brainstorm, I Brainstorm, But Brilliance Needs A Good Editor EP
  1. The Procession
  2. Alice And Interiors
  3. Slow to Learn
  4. I'd Rather Have
  5. Play It Again, Sam! You Don't Have Any Feathers
(?) Tree Sound Sessions

1. Made a Quite Impressive Noise
2. Sacred Heart
3. Sleeper 1972
4. When We Were Trees

(2005) - Nobody sings anymore
  1. Golden Ticket
  2. Window
  3. The Procession
  4. I'd Rather Have
  5. She Found A Love
  6. Anything Left
  7. The Other Side
  8. Please Don't Go
  9. Girl With Broken Wings
  10. Slow To Learn
  11. La-Di-Da
2006 - I'm Like a Virgin Losing a Child
  1. "Wolves at Night" - 4:03
  2. "Now That You're Home" - 3:07
  3. "The Neighborhood is Bleeding" - 2:48
  4. "I Can Feel Your Pain" - 2:53
  5. "Where Have You Been?" - 6:12
  6. "I Can Barely Breathe" - 4:58
  7. "Sleeper 1972" - 4:08
  8. "Golden Ticket" - 3:32
  9. "Alice and Interiors" - 4:21
  10. "Don't Let Them See You Cry" - 1:42
  11. "Colly Strings" - 5:57

BONUS: The Tiger Society - S/T (Andy Hull side project in High school)

BONUS 2: Covers (Pitchfork link)
Manchester Orchestra playing brother (Annuals cover) and Annuals playing
Where Have You Been (MO cover)

And once again THANKS to jackmannequin sharelist for his help! :D You have a place in our small blog forever! Also if you want ALL the b-sides or unreleased albums of Manchester Orchestra go to Apples and Oranges.

*next EGWM's favourite bands: THE FORMAT

1 comment:

Wayne said...

here's a q&a with manchester orchestra