Saturday, March 29, 2008

"earl grey" MARCH playlist

"earl grey" MARCH playlist

1. Broken Social Scene - Anthems for a seventeen yearl-old girl
2. Explosions In The Sky - First breath after comma
3. Golden City - Cars in space
4. Leonard Cohen - So long, Marianne
5. Micah P. Hinson - At last, our promises
6. Page France - Dogs
7. Portishead - Machine gun
8. Shout Out Louds - Tonight I have to leave it
9. The Delgados - Everybody come down
10. We Are Scientists - After hours

*Being sick as I am sucks big time, especially when it's the third day in a row and you've had a hell of a project to hand in today and you have to stay in on a beautiful Friday night. However, you do have time to post on your blog and hearing that Jonquil cancelled tonight's concert @ la [2] makes you feel less miserable (sorry dude :P). Anyway, here's what I been listening to pretty obsesively lately. Pretty eclectic (how cool is this word?), as always, but I think it's one of my best playlists in ages (oh God, I'm on my way to recovery : P). Alright, I declare this March playlist open, so go enjoy it! Be good.


Andrea Valverde said...

sara: m'agraden molt la 1, la 4 i la 6 (en aquest ordre)

ja us he postejat 2 vegades, os quejareis! ^_^

Andrea Valverde said...

me donat un sustu quan he vist que ja havia postejat, no recordava que la Sara havia estat trastejant per aquí xd

Lo dit, sus agregu jo també

sälutacions cordials