Friday, March 28, 2008

fresh Spanish potato omelette out of the oven!

Current favourite songs: El mundo se acaba, Hacia el huracán, Quemados por el sol, Palabras célebres

Current favourite songs: Sin compasión, Luciérnagas y mariposas, Un mundo por delante, Luces de neón, Copa para dos

Current favourite songs: Toda la verdad, Mentiroso mentiroso, De mi un pandero, NYC, Rocco Sigfredi

*So here you have three of EGWM's favourite Spanish artists. You probably have heard from them since they're pretty popular, but they make our first tasty Spanish potato omelette because they all have just released their latest effort. And guess what! They're all pretty damn good, so make sure to check them out as much as you make sure to write down a tiny comment saying how good, cool or stupid we are, or just saying "thank you". We appreciate it : )

Also, remember that they all will be soon visiting our beautiful, crowded wih locusts, Barcelona city. Iván Ferreiro will play Sala Bikini on April 4th and Lori Meyers will join Les Philippes to rock Sala Apolo on April 25th. As for Tachenko, they will appear on the forthcoming Primavera Sound festival. For more concerts check our calendar. Let the madness begin!

PD: I know, Tachenko's cover is UGLY

1 comment:

Andrea Valverde said...

oh! has posat abans "sin compasión" que "luciérnagas y mariposas"!!!


(i'm sara from andrea)