Monday, December 21, 2009

our new home

Finally, here we are, earlgreywithmilk goes to tumblr. Thanks to blogger to start our little blog.

big changes are coming

I know it's been a long time without any kind of post... I had been working and doing other things but I decided to start again with this blog... Well, probably not here... I'm opening a new one with the same name but in tumblr. As soon as I have everything ready you will be the first ones to know about it. :)

keep reading earlgreywithmilk, BIG CHANGES ARE COMING.

it's late, 3 am here, but i'm preparing my lists for the best of 2009.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

way out west: my summer festival


*Still looking for an apartment-room-place to sleep-bridge (no, i'm joking!) in Göteborg for this days... Anyone can help me?!

CAN XALANT: Efimer Club

HOWE GELB (23.30h)

+ INSPIRACIÓ EXPIRACIÓ ANIMADA (Mostra d'Animació Independent Catalana)

*Aquest divendres 17 de Juliol tenim concerts! però res de ser aqui a BCN... nono! haurem d'anar a la bonica villa de Mataró on els nostres amics del centre Can Xalant i FUSIC han preparat una nit de música amb els catalans El petit de cal eril i Nueva Vulcano i els americans Dent May i Howe Gelb.

Jo nomès per passar-m'ho bé amb Dent May i les seves alegres cançons i veure a Nueva Vulcano ja faig el trajecte en tren amb un gran somriure! :)


Thursday, July 2, 2009

the almighty defenders

Almighty Defenders @ Amsterdam Brewery from NOW Magazine on Vimeo.

Un dels grups que canviaran el meu 2009 for sure.
Està format per gent de Black Lips i els grans King Khan & the BBQ show!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

NXNE friday night @ supermarket

9pm - Parlovr
10pm - Bahamas
11pm - Bass Lions
12pm - the paint movement
1am - Fox Jaws

una veritat com un temple.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


In popular music, a cover version, or simply cover, is a new rendition (performance or recording) of a previously recorded, commercially released song. In its current use, it can sometimes have a pejorative meaning—implying that the original recording should be regarded as the definitive version, usually in the sense of an "authentic" rendition, and all others are merely lesser competitors, alternatives or tributes (no matter how popular). However, Billboard—and other magazines recording the popularity of the musical artists and hit tunes—originally measured the sales success of the published tune, not just recordings of it, or later the airplay that it also managed to achieve. In that context, the greater the number of cover versions, the more successful the song. All of you already know that, so these songs bellow are just a taste of good/bad covers/versions you might like or not. We'd love to know which are your favourites covers!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

NEW BAND: La Patère Rose

Formé du claviériste et échantillonneur Thomas Hébert (alias Roboto), du batteur et DJ Julien Harbec (alias Kilojules) et de la chanteuse-pianiste Fanny Grosjean (alias Fanny Bloom), La patère rose est un groupe électro-pop à l’univers coloré, passionné et au son sensible. C’est en 2003 que les membres de La patère rose se rencontrèrent au cégep de Sherbrooke pour ensuite commencer à jouer ensemble deux ans plus tard. En 2005, Fanny Grosjean se rend à la finale nationale de Cégeps en spectacle, alors que Julien et Thomas forment le groupe Misteur Valaire. En 2008, ils développent leur son unique et se présentent aux Francouvertes, où ils se rendent en finale en compagnie de Bonjour Brumaire et Le Citoyen. L'univers sonore du trio, inspiré de Camille, Émilie Simon, Lily Allen, The Do en passant par Martha Wainwright jusqu'à Brel, leur permet de convaincre le public ainsi que le jury et de remporter la grande finale de la 12e édition des Francouvertes. Ils ont également remporté le Prix de la chanson Socan pour Backyard souvenir ainsi que le Prix du public. Après une participation remarquée aux FrancoFolies de Montréal en 2008 et au Festival Osheaga, La patère rose participera aux Francofolies de Spa en Belgique et présentera une tournée qui les mènera partout au Québec en 2009.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It's been a long time without news from me... I'm sorry, I have been trying to find a job and finally everything is in the right place and I can say I H-A-V-E A J-O-B! yay! So, because of my happiness today I decided to made a Session by Traktor (DJ software). It's not perfect... You will see some of the weird changes I made buuut I'm pretty happy of what I made. 14 songs from everywhere... Canada (obviously...), Scotland, New Zeland, USA, Iceland and UK. Enjoy it and write what you think about it... Be pacient with me, next one it's gonna be much more better! That's for sure!


1- Sunset Rubdown - Insane love is awakening
2- Good Old War - Coney Island
3- Anathallo - Hanasajajijii (four: a great wind, more ash)
4- Harlem Shakes - Sunlight
5- Dananananaykroyd - Black Wax
6- Bang Bang Eche - 4 To The Floor
7- Royal Bangs - Cat Swallow
8- BOAT - Topps
9- Parlovr - Speech Bubble/Thought Cloud
10- We Were Promised Jetpacks - Moving Clocks Run Slow
11- Favours For Sailors - I Dreamt That You Loved Me In Your Dreams
12 - Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook


NEW BAND: The Deirdres

A seven piece from Derby UK, who claim to specialise in "poor harmonies and communal clappiing", The Deirdres mess around with glockenspiels, tamborines, kazoos, violins, and something called a zube in the pursuit of a good time. Imagine the best bits of Architecture In Helsinki, The Hidden Cameras and every band you've clapped along to like an over-excited five year old, in the way they shoot out lo-fi melodies that seem utterly spontaneous. If they're half as fun as their demos, we're in for a treat."

Friday, May 22, 2009

NEW BAND: Zissou

Zissou are a five piece friends, this amateur band was formed in Chepstow UK. They have been playing together for about two and a half years now, but have achieved as much as some bands do in two months. Despite this they keep going even after being geographically separated thanks to university. They're not really sure why they stick at it, but hopefully you'll enjoy the results. This band is poorly unknown, but they really have great influences, I almost love all the bands they have at their myspace marked as influences. Give them a chance to their indie pop, after few listens they won't surely/honestly disappoint you. Their only EP is called " Pull Your Tangles Through".

Thursday, May 21, 2009

EARLGREYWITHMILK: canadian mix part IV

EARLGREYWITHMILK: canadian mix part IV

1.- Black Hat Brigade - Limbo
2.- Share - Caviate
3.- Pony Up! - The Truth About Cat's and Dogs
4.- Lo And The Magnetics - Tacheé
5.- Hooded Fang - Land Of Giants
6.- The North Lakes - Cold Ottawa Wind
7.- New Royalty - Green Canoe
8.- The Barnkats - Dance
9.- Two Hours Traffic - Stuck For The Summer

Monday, May 11, 2009

NEW BAND: Strip Squad

Strip Squad os pondrá a tono. Este quinteto sueco se caracteriza principalmente por mezclar canciones muy pegadizas con letras juveniles, desenfadadas y divertidas, totalmente amateurs y sin ninguna pretención. Llamadlas picantes, perversas, incitadoras pero siempre dentro de un marco gracioso y sobretodo twee pop. Ya basta de letras retorcidas, extrañas y que hablan de los mismos temas monótonos. Casi todas sus canciones tienen un puto de provocación e incitan a... bueno os lo mostraré: Por ejemplo en Unreliable Narrator aparecen cosas como " when he masturbates he thinks of pretty things like the arch of your eyebrown your almond shaped eye the way you looked when you said goodbye ... he goes dancing at the indie-club every friday too shy to make a move doesn't dare to talk but his penis, I've seen it, i t's hard and erect like a carrot, sir.." o en If You Don't Take Me Right Away You Might As Well Fuck Off, tambien suena interesante : " (so what happened to you last night?) (club 77 yeah huh!) he turned me on by the pooltable I saw his underwear label (oh so fuckable!) but instead of having me against the wall he airfucked on the floor in the dancehall ". Otras como Pervert / Expert e incluso You Cream My Pants, dejan entrever sus graciosas letras. Su EP incial llamado "Just Obey! " es el preludio de su reciente Cd " The Adventures of Strip Squad".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

NEW BAND: Elle S'appelle

Elle s'appelle are in the most conventional sense of the word, a band. More specifically, a three piece guitar band from Liverpool without guitars, but with a girl and a keyboard. Bass, Keys and drums. Courtesy of Andy (vocals/guitar), Lucy (vocals/keyboards) and Owen (vocals/drums). Background: Liverpool has given us many great and quirky pop things over the years, apart from the obvious, from Cook Da Books to the Coral, Pale Fountains to Pink Military/Industry, but no one in the city has thought of doing hyperactive nursery rhymes before. Elle s'appelle, chanced upon this wild and crazy notion earlier this year, when they decided to get together united by a love of storytelling and staccato electro.

EDIT: The band is not a band anymore from the last August... Lucy and Owen decided to leave the band... We don't have news of where are they playing right now but as soon as we know something we will let you know. What a pity!

Monday, April 27, 2009

MONDAY VIDEO: we were promised jetpacks - quiet little voices

"We were promised jetpacks." are one of my new favourite bands. They are from Glasgow, UK and there are definite similarities to Interpol but they keep it danceable and easygoing, leaving any bravado by the wayside. The band just got a few weeks ago their first album leaked and I have to say it is really awesome. A band to follow in the close future. Their next concert is in the festival Hinterland in Glasgow (where I am going next week and I hope I'll be able to see them live...).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

NEW BAND: The Joy Formidable

The Joy Formidable conforman una conexión británica Londres-Gales que dará mucho que hablar en los próximos meses. Con una formación de trío clásico: los grititos a lo Klaxons de Rhydian (bajo), y la dulce voz de Ritzy (nueva rubia de oro, que tiemble Sharin de The Raveonottes) contrastan con las guitarras distorsionadas y la certera batería de Justin, junto a muchos riffs que se repiten. Hace nada han publicado su primer trabajo llamado "A Balloon Called Moaning". Su sonido puede recordar algo a Yeah Yeah Yeahs y algún guitarrazo me trae a la mente a los Pixies y al rock alternativo que se hacía en los 90'.


*Recordeu de votar a Indiespot pel concurs NETREPORTER i podeu tenir l'opció de guanyar un ipodtouch! D'Indiespot no cal fer cap comentari perquè tothom els coneix i son familia (els germans grans de EGWM).

Andreu Llos Martí / Natàlia Ibars Cedó

Envia NETREPORTER (espai) INDIESPOT al 5110
(preu per missatge 0,3€ + IVA)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NXNE 2009

Today I have a "music festival" day. First with the lineup of Lollapalooza and now with NXNE (North by northeast), the copy of SXSW in Toronto, Canada. Why I'm speaking about this festival? Because since 2009 EGWM became FAN, yes, with CAPITAL letters, of music who comes from Canada and where is the best place to see all our bands? this festival... It mix bands from canada, america and europe (a band from Estonia is coming this year...). Today I was looking the webpage and finally they are starting to give names and what a surprise! I know some of them! King Khan & BBQ Show / Woodpigeon / Matt and Kim / The Coathangers ....

So, if anyone is thinking of going to this festival, LET ME KNOW! I'm not rich but for sure we can use a couch for this days. We just need a flight ticket... Anyone working in a flight company? Ah, I almost forgot! The prices of this festival are 5 times less expensive than SXSW. YAY! 50$ por 5 days of non-stop music! double YAY!


official lineup

*who waaaaaaaaaaaaaants to go?! ;) looking for free tickets, acommodation and company!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

NEW BAND: Hot Silk Pockets

They come from Glasgow, Southend, South Wales, Yorkshire and Reading, though it was the latter province where the band formed, half an hour or so’s train ride from London Paddington. The band takes their name from the little things people put in their pockets when they go camping in winter like hand warmers. Coming together initially to play “parties in their shed”, the quartet slogged hard, graduated to living rooms and here they are now. Hot Silk Pockets English pop zouk is good, and after a few listens I think it’s the punchiness of the bass lines and rough-edged recordings that I’m attracted to the most. They definitely have potential, but in a scene with countless similar sounding bands they’ll have to work extremely hard to get recognised.

Monday, April 20, 2009

NEW BAND: A Smile And A Ribbon

Smile and a Ribbon son Rebecca Mehlman y Martin Lindqvist, aunque en directo se hagan acompañar por cuatro músicos más, dicen sonar como el equivalente a un pastel de limón. Procedentes de Malmö, ciudad cuna del twee pop sueco, y no es de extrañar debido a la avalancha de nuevos grupos suecos en el escenario pop actual. Su primer cd limonero " The Boy I Wish I Never Met" suena fresco, pop por supuesto y twee a por doquier! Enamoradizos de The Magnetic Fields, Language of Flowers, Talulah Gosh e incluso Pulp. Influencias de palabras MAYORES, y un resultado digno de ser escuchado.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

FARADAY 2009! First names!

FARADAY 2009: first names


faraday webpage

Thursday, March 19, 2009

NEW BAND: the red river

It's been a long time without this section... Too many new sections and things to do... But tonight I want to introduce you my new favourite band to listen at night, THE RED RIVER. This guys from Long Beach, CA play a folk-downtempo music that can take you to another place... A place with grass and an amazing sunlight and you are there, sitting, alone, listening the song "something good" and thinking about your life, what you did good, what you did wrong, what you want to change, what you want to forget, what do you want to do,... and the sun is going down and you start feeling a little bit cold but you can not move because the moment is perfect... The moment you were waiting for a long long time... And you can't move...

"Something good" is in the last album of this band, "Grassblades". Highly recommended!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

EARLGREYWITHMILK: canadian mix part III

EARLGREYWITHMILK: canadian mix part III

1 - Hollerado - Do the doot da doot doo
2- Polytarp - Happy Notes
3- Oh No Forest Fires - Swing And A Misdemenor
4- The Lovely Feathers - Frantic
5- The Ghost is Dancing - The thunder
6- Arkells - John Lennon
7- The Rural Alberta Advantage - The City
8- Hooded Fang - Circles And Blocks
9- Whale Tooth - Hibernation Song
10 - Henri Faberge And The Adorables - The Goddamn light


Again with Canada... I can not stop finding new bands I want to share with everyone. Too many small bands from little towns in Canada with a lot of potential! And I'm finding them without going there... Just myspace, blogs (i heart music) or facebook... 10 new songs (some from bands you probably know already...) in the same line as lately with a little bit more of rock and more guitar (the new bands: the lovely feathers, polytarp and hollerado) and more happy songs (hooded fang, whale tooth and the best ending ever with henri faberge and the adorables). And, like always, songs of my favourites canadian bands, the ghost is dancing and RAA (i know... I'm becoming obsess with this two bands...). A happy mix to say hi to the new season, Spring (at least in Barcelona)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

loud racecars

*allister - racecars (WARNING: this song is not a typical EGWM song but once, I was young...)
Lately I have been thinking about my adolescence and which kind of music I used to listen... I'm not gonna say any name here cause you, readers, will make fun of me... I just want to share with you that lately I started listening again this bands, they changed my mood so many times. This song is the best example: "don't worry about your problems now baby 'cuz they just don't matter when it comes down to the fact that everybody's got problems now baby and life's too short to keep them bottled up inside". A piece of college american punk-rock art.

*elemeno p - louder louder
My future is looking good. My new "most-scroobled-band-of-the-week" is the answer. New Zeland is the origin. This small islands are doing so many good things lately (at least for me). Starting with the movie Eagle Vs Shark, the Lord of the rings, Black Sheep, the TV-show Flight of the Conchords and now, bands like Elemeno P, Kingston or Goodnight Nurse... Like I said, my future is looking good cause I have a new destination in my list: NEW ZELAND. Anyone interested?

picture by pasty_xie

Friday, March 6, 2009

NEW SONGS: the ghost is dancing

OH YEAH! That's how I should start this post... Finally we have something new of one of my favourite canadian bands: the ghost is dancing. Like I said in the last post about them, they were mixing and editing the new album... And now we have the first 2 songs of the new record: BATTLES ON. April 28th is the date... Just 1 more month... For the moment here you have the two songs you can listen in their myspace.

download "battles on"
download "the tunder"

*AWESOME songs! "the thunder" will become my new favourite song in my They are following the kind of sound they made in the last album but with more guitars! really really good!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

IPOD BATTLE: mai a la vida dj's vs indiespot!

Aquest dijous 5 de Març us recomenem que no us perdeu l'IPOD BATTLE que tindra lloc al Mond Bar de Gràcia (pl. del Sol 14) entre els nostres amics del Mai a la vida i Indiespot. Escoltareu des de Franz Ferdinand fins a Brand New i més i segur (m'ho ha confirmat indiespot, YAAAY! ) que caurà alguna cançó canadenca (RAA!!!!) que ultimament tant magrada a mi i que ha tingut cert èxit (50 baixades el primer mix de música canadenca per mi ja es molt!). Això si, també diuen que poden posar quaaalsevol cançó que demaneu (si la tenen al seu ipod clar!).

Doncs el que deiem, no us perdeu la festa d'aquest dijous! Els earlgreywithmilk estarem allà! Aqui teniu els links per apuntar-vos al event a i al facebook. :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


* the fucking eagles - out of this world. I found out about this band after listening a podcast in KEXP so I decide to download the song and put it in mode repeat ON... After 8 times listening the same song I wanted to go to the street and start destroying something with a baseball bat wearing a black jacket, jeans with big holes and big black boots. I wanted to be persecuted by the police and do like Sid Vicious for a while. Yeah, I know what are you thinking: how crazy is this guy? I just wanted you to listen the song, the whole story is a joke. :)

* harlem shakes - winter water. I love this song of Harlem Shakes. I remember when my co-blogger and friend (earl grey) told me about this band. "hey, you should check this out!" I started listening the EP cause everything my friend recommends me it's good. Probably I listened 10 times and I was almost going to his concert in Brooklyn... But then I left the band for some months until I saw this song... So now I have the album, the EP and I'm sharing my favourite song. Thanks earl grey.

* lovely rita - baked beans. Lovely rita is not my favourite song of The Beatles. That's for sure. A song wrote it by Paul about a meter maid of Liverpool can not my favourite song of them... But then I saw a band with the same name so I check them out. After a few discussions with my mind I nominated "baked beans" to the prize: "happy songs for a (fucking) monday morning" and "english song with french accent".

* shapes have fangs - what in the world. Shapes have fangs is a band from Austin, Texas. Right now they are getting ready to be part of the BEST festival in USA, SXSW, for second time. (If anyone wants to pay my flight ticket to Texas I will make a monument for him). But did you know there is another festival like SXSW call NXNE in Toronto? And the ticket price is much mooooore cheaper (again, If anyone prefers to pay me the ticket to Toronto I'll also make a monument for him). So if any of you go to SXSW please don't forget to check this band.

picture by balakov

blame ringo - garble arch (a day in the life of abbey road)

blame ringo - garble arch (a day in the life of abbey road)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

NEWS: the ghost is dancing new album

Si si si! Finalment! Nou cd dels canadencs "the ghost is dancing"! Aqui teniu la nota que han deixat al seu myspace amb el tracklist! Ara a esperar fins abril!

"Happy to say that we've officially finished mastering our new album tonight. We're all pretty ecstatic in the Ghost is Dancing camp, Chris Stringer, for all of his farting and grunting, did a bang up job (and we highly recommend him to anyone in search for a fine producer).

The album is called "Battles On" and we'll be releasing it (if all goes as scheduled), April 21st (we're also scheduling a tour right now so stay posted).

Here's the tracklist, because I'm so excited:

1. Dream of a Failed Architect
2. Battles On
3. Rogues & Heroes
4. This Thunder
5. Stick Together
6. Louis Riel
7. Strange Times
8. Battles Off
9. Was a Universe
10. Flashing Pictures
11. Old Children
12. Without Friends

Stay Tuned for more soon from these ghosts."

Saturday, February 7, 2009

EARLGREYWITHMILK: canadian mix part II

earlgreywithmilk CANADIAN (II)

01 - oh no forest fires - it's not fun and games until someone loses
02 - the danks - treaty connector
03 - i see rowboats - in cars
04 - bruce peninsula - crabapples
05 - boxer the horse - jackson leftfield
06 - the rural alberta advantage - edmonton
07 - bass lions - ransom the sunset
08 - entire cities - cop song
09 - we're scared - thunderbirds
10 - hey rosetta! - there's an arc


I torno a penjar un playlist amb 10 cançons més de grups canadencs (repetint 2 de l'última). En aquesta trobem la nova sensació canadenca, Bruce Peninsula (segons CBC 3), els nous Parlovr, Oh No Forest Fires (segons jo), el "side-project" de the Rural Alberta Advantage, We're scared (em sembla que un dels components està al grup però nose si realment estan fent alguna cosa...), i el nou top artist del meu, BOXER THE HORSE. Tot això amenitzat amb una cançó més dels RAA i d'Entire Cities.

Disfruteu i bon febrer! :)

*foto: milk bottle a Montreal near the train station, part of The Guaranteed Pure Milk Co.

NEW BAND: parlovr

PARLOVR is a band from Montreal, Canada (you know how much I love canadian bands) who start playing together on 2006. Like it says in his myspace of the band: "Reacting against the multi-instrumental, many-membered orchestral bands that crowded the local Montreal scene at the time, PARLOVR was started with the intention of blowing amps and streamlining pop melodies, bringing back the power-trio of the 90s with an off-the-wall twist".

And what can I say about the sound: In his myspace it says they do a "sloopy pop" but I will try to make a comparision with bands and I'll say Parlovr is a mix between Handsome Furs, Royal Bangs and a little bit of Arcade Fire but with only 3 guys in the band. They have great voices who can make you sing in the middle of the street in a fucking bad day and make you feel better... repeating some parts of the lyrics till you know exactly what they felt when they wrote it... Parlovr is the kind of bands I would like to see as much times as I can in a small club with good sound to sing with them while i'm losing my voice.

Just buy the self-titled relase of 2008 from his myspace and you won't regret it. Just listen "pen to the paper" and you will understand me.

parlovr - pen to the paper live

TV SERIAL: skins

Let's speak about this TV serial today. A british comedic teen drama that follows a group of teenagers from Bristol as they experience love, family, and growing up. 8 crazy teenagers between 16 and 17 years old. Every episode follows one of the teenagers in his life but always linking with the group. The serial won the Rose d'Or on 2008 and was also nominated for BAFTA.

After watching 1 season and a half in 1 week I have to say I'm really fan of this group (every group of teenagers is going to be only 2 seasons, and i'm finishing the second one... I'm a little bit scared of the change...). They just started the 3rd season in UK and I think the ratings are much more better... Let's see.

Another thing about the serial is the soundtrack: really good songs for every episode and always finding the right one for the moment... You can have it here.

Enjoy this tv serial with drugs, "fuck" (all the meanings), wanka (and more swearing), love, friendship (and not so friendship), fights, party's, alcohol, music and fashion (and not so fashion).



Monday, February 2, 2009

say hi - november was white december was grey

a new song by say hi (...)

*new album on march 3rd, "Oohs & Aahs".

43 super bowl: more ads...

Bud light ads

bud light (ski) ads

doritos (bus) ads

bud light (swedish) ads

(bud light ROCKS!)

43 super bowl best ads (1st half)

Hyundai Ads

Pepsi Max Ads

Pepsi Ads

Pedigree Ads

Bridgestone Ads (+ Mr & Mrs Potato)

Friday, January 30, 2009

zooey vs kate vs anna

who is who?!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

audrye sessions

I just realise I have to write more in english so I decided to use it again, in some posts. I want to begin this new era with Audrye Sessions. (a band I forgot to put to my favourite 2008 albums) I was in the Music Hall of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, last summer watching a free concert of Margot and the Nuclear So and So's with two more bands... One of them: Audrye Sessions. After listening half of the concert I went to the merch store to buy his first album (self released): Braille. What a great deal! I paid 10 $ for it (hand made!) and It makes me change my way to understand music... A great voice and great lyrics! 12 songs, some of them better than the others and some of them anthems of my last trip. (When I listen The Paper Face and Relentless I always remember me walking around the brooklyn bridge or checking LP's in a tiny little record shop in Williamsburg). And when I listen them here in Barcelona (shuffle mode rocks!) a big strange feeling come to me... :) They have a new EP you can buy in itunes and they are preparing a new album for 2009. I can't wait more!

So what else I can say to you to listen this great band from California?!

download: audrye sessions - juliana


audrye sessions - the paper face

Saturday, January 24, 2009

LIVE VIDEO: vampire weekend - ça plane pour moi (cover)

vampire weekend - ça plane pour moi (cover)

Aquest mati me despertat amb ganes de veure "Nick & Norah's infinite playlist"... La peli potser no serà la nova "Juno" però la banda sonora esta moooolt i mooolt bé. Dir-vos que en els crèdits finals surt la nova cançó dels Vampire Weekend "Ottoman" i que a mi m'ha agradat molt (7 escoltes en modo repeat just al acabar la peli). Espero el seu nou cd des de que va sortir el primer... I just avui que he mirat el seu myspace m'he trobat amb aquest video d'un cover que van fer de la cançó de "Plastic Bertrand" . Disfruteu del cover i de l'original.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

EARLGREYWITHMILK: 1st canadian mix

earlgreywithmilk CANADIAN (I)

01 - The Rural Alberta Advantage - The Ballad of The RAA
02 - The Ghost is Dancing - Greatlakescape
03 - Henri Faberge and the Adorables - Ventriloquist Love
04 - Parlovr - Pen to the Paper
05 - Born Ruffians - Wedding Rings And Midnight Strollers
06 - Entire Cities - Talkers
07 - Immaculate Machine - Dear Confessor
08 - The Great Bloomers - Market of the Night
09 - The Wooden Sky - This Bird Has Flown
10 - The Acorn - Crooked Legs


Hauria d'escriure alguna cosa sobre la playlist però nomès escoltant-la entendreu perquè ultimament en el meu nomès apareixen grups canadencs... Podria fins i tot afirmar que alguns d'aquests grups s'estan tornant ja en els meus grups preferits per aquest 2009... i nomès portem 10 dies... de bojos.

Friday, January 9, 2009

EARLGREYWITHMILK PC GAME: crayon physics deluxe

Crayon Physics Deluxe is a 2D physics puzzle game, in which you get to experience what it would be like if your drawings would be magically transformed into real physical objects. Solve puzzles with your artistic vision and creative use of physics.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

FRENCH COMEDY CLUB: florence foresti

florence foresti - j'aime pas les garçons (i don't like guys)

florence foresti - j'aime pas les filles (i don't like girls)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

EARLGREYAULAIT: 1st mix français


1. Ridan - Ullysse
2. Anis - Cergy
3. Tryo - Serre-moi
4. Déportivo - Les bières aujourd'hui s'ouvrent manuellement
5. Téléphone - New York avec toi
6. Indochine - L'aventurier
7. Debout sur le zinc - La déclaration
8. La Rue Kétanou - Mon oncle
9. Louise Attaque - Léa
10. Benjamin Biolay - Folle de toi


-Un thé au lait, s'il vous plaît?

Per si alguna vegada us trobeu a frança i no sabeu com demanar la vostra beguda preferida. :D La veritat és que realment no se perquè he fet aquest mix però des de fa un temps necessito sempre escoltar alguna d'aquestes cançons durant el dia. Bé, la majoria sabeu el perquè, imagino... :$ Peró la veritat es que si tingues que escollir entre que magrada més si la música cantada en espanyol o en francès (la catalana, segons de qui, està mooolt per sobre) crec que em quedaria amb la francòfona. Doncs això, amusez-vous bien!

Monday, January 5, 2009

EARL GREY: els millors àlbums de 2008

30.- Mogwai - The Hawk Is Howling (Matador)
29.- Shearwater - Rook (Matador)
28.- This Will Destroy You - This Will Destroy You (Magic Bullet Records)
27.- Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Lie Down In The Light (Drag City)
26.- Conor Oberst - Conor Oberst (Merge)
25.- Tindersticks - The Hungry Saw (Constellation)
24.- Right Away, Great Captain! - The Eventually Home (Favorite Gentlemen Recordings)
23.- The Felice Brothers - The Felice Brothers (Loose Music)
22.- Nada Surf - Lucky (Barsuk)
21.- The Dodos - Visiter (French Kiss)

20.- The Dutchess & The Duke - She's the Dutchess, He's the Duke (Hardly Art)
19.- Port O'Brien - All We Could Do Was Sing (Self-released)
18.- Okkervil River - The Stand-Ins (Jagjaguwar)
17.- The Hold Steady - Stay Positive (Vagrant Records)
16.- The Wave Pictures - Instant Coffee Baby (Moshi Moshi)
15.- Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs (Atlantic)
14.- Manel - Els Millors Professors Europeus (Discmedi)
13.- Grand Archives - Grand Archives (Sub Pop)
12.- Why? - Alopecia (Anticon)
11.- The Notwist - The Devil, You + Me (City Slang)

10.- Sun Kil Moon - April (Caldo Verde)

9.- Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band - 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons

8.- Los Campesinos! - Hold On Now, Youngster... / We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed
(Arts & Crafts)

7.- Sigur Rós - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

6.- Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight
(Fat Cat)

5.- Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
(Sub Pop)

4.- The Mountai
n Goats - Heretic Pride (4ad / Ada)

3.- Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
(XL Recordings)

2.- The New Year - The New Year
(Touch & Go)

1.- Portishead - Third
(Mercury / Island)

WITH MILK Top 5 Artists (Week Ending 2009-1-4)

lun., 5 ener 2009 08:54

1. The Ghost is Dancing (72)
2. The Mountain Goats (31)
3. The Rural Alberta Advantage (29)
4. A Weather (28)
5. The Wave Pictures (21)

Imported from Tumblr by JoeLaz

Thursday, January 1, 2009